Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Almost 30

My 30th birthday is still nearly four months away. To be honest, I have not been that concerned about it. I don't understand people who freak out with the onslaught of another birthday and double the freak out mode when that birthday is considered a "milestone." To me 30 is just a number. It has nothing to do with how I feel, how I look or how I live my life. Well, I should say I thought that until very recently.

Perhaps 30 does mean something more to my body. After all, for as long as I can remember I've been able to not really worry too much about diet and get away with it. I mean, I'm not hanging out 24/7 at McDonald's, but I do enjoy a good dessert once in a while (read: several times a week.) But lately I've noticed that my body is betraying me!! It is no longer letting me get away with these shenanigans. Could it be possible that my body knows it is about to turn 30 and has decided it has done enough work for me for a while and now I need to put forth some effort?? I have a sinking feeling this is true.

I've always been pretty active - although raising a one-year old and a three-year old is significantly cutting into my workout time - but now I'm going to have to make an actual effort to be more conscious about consumption. What do weight loss books and TV shows always say? Oh yeah, it's not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. So, you could say I began the first day of my new lifestyle just yesterday.

To begin, I started writing down what I eat and am making a valiant effort to keep myself in check. In only 36 hours into this little experiment I've realized that being more conscious about my food choices is both eye-opening and challenging. Eye-opening because I'm learning that even the "good-for-you" foods can pack quite a punch to the gut if you eat too much of them! Take almonds for instance. Almonds contain the "good" fat that your body needs and are supposed to keep your sharp, especially in the afternoon. (Sounds good to a stay-at-home-mom of two youngsters!) But, the calories can really add up if you eat more than say 10, which I definitely do! And, challenging because being conscious of the food I eat is causing me to constantly think about FOOD! I mean c'mon - I'm blogging about food!

Then there's that other factor. Being a mom. Well, more precisely, being pregnant and having given birth to two babies. No doubt that has taken a toll on my body. Does that play into this sudden backlash I'm getting from my own body? Or do 30-year-old women who don't have any kids yet still face the same fate? If these are the permanent side effects of multiple pregnancies and births, it seriously and selfishly makes me reconsider my want for a third!

Long story short, I guess that 30 is one of those "milestone" birthdays for a reason. Even if you don't quite feel "grown up" in every aspect of your life, your body is absolutely grown up. And, this body is expecting me to start acting like a responsible adult! (Ugh!)

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