Saturday, January 31, 2009

If Only a Diet Was Like a Blog

It's day four of my daily blogging habit and it's feeling like one more thing on my to-do list that needs to get done before I can relax. This wasn't really the point of starting this blog, although I knew that making it daily was going to be a big commitment. Perhaps it's because it's a weekend - and my family is always busy on the weekends - that I'm just now sitting down to do this.

I feel compelled to write something because even though I know only a few people are reading this, I did say state my intentions in writing to post some thoughts everyday and it is only day four. I can't possibly miss a day! If only a diet was like a blog. I'd be accountable to everybody and would feel guilty if I indulged a little too much! Funny how that is. I'm feeling guilty for possibly missing a day of blogging because I would be "letting down" the less than a handful of people who read this, but Lord knows I wouldn't feel that guilty for overindulging on Superbowl Sunday when it's only myself I'd be letting down. Hmmm, interesting thought.

Maybe I'll cut myself the tiniest of breaks and still post something on Saturday and Sunday - but something a little shorter and a little lighter. Sounds like a good plan to me!

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